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Goomba Button

Personal Project

During my internship at FORM, I worked with one of the senior designers on a simple project to learn more about the product design process. I decided to make a simple button shaped like a goomba (from Mario), that would light up when pushed.

I started from simple concept sketching, brainstorming ideas, and eventually orthogonal projection sketches. This led to cardboard prototypes: both functional prototypes and aesthetic prototypes.

Using Solidworks, I modelled the button enclosure to be manufactured by injection molding. I designed my button to be made entirely with open-shut tooling, included proper drafts, and ensured constant wall thicknesses. The enclosure was assembled using a combination of snap fits, screws, and glue joints. Using KiCAD, I designed a PCB to fit within the enclosure, and to hold the LEDs, button, and microcontroller.

Finally, I 3D printed the enclosure and soldered the PCB. Using CircuitPython, I programmed the microcontroller with different LED patterns, and had an exciting final product to show for my hard work!

Project Gallery

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